Thursday, May 3, 2007

Pillow Jay Lene made when she was a Merrie Miss

Thought you would like to see some of the art that she created when about 10 years old. Mama talked about it on her blog.


Spiralmoon Studio said...


Thank you SO MUCH for posting those pictures. I was so moved to see them here. I captured them so I can scrapbook about this pillow. Not bad work for a 10-year-old...LOL! It really jogged some great memories loose from my (sometimes) foggy brain! And, to be honest, it made me feel part of the family again. I'm very grateful.

You'll be happy to know that when I took up knitting again a short while back, it only took a couple minutes for everything I learned as a Merrie Miss to come streaming back... knit, purl, knit, purl! :)



Eric Devericks said...

I actually had no idea where that pillow came from, I just knew it was always around. Jay- glad that made you feel loved!

Spiralmoon Studio said...

Thanks Brandi! It's amazing what great shape it is in for being *cough* so old *cough*. LOL!


Margo Clift said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Margo Clift said...

The deleted message simply was me trying to explain that the pictures of the pillow have vanished leaving 3 boxes with a question mark in the center.
I had a typo and tried to edit it, and that is what happened.
I am very exasperated and tired.
Will try to figure this out tomorrow.